Richard Nunns performs in studio
Cosy Nook, Southland
Richard Nunns performs in studio
Cosy Nook, Southland
Richard Nunns prepares to perform in studio
Cosy Nook, Southland
Nigel with pre-Russia sketches
Sculpture studio, Cosy Nook
Black arches works in studio
Cosy Nook, Southland
Interior Studio
Titirangi, Auckland 1975
Nigel Brown in Studio. Photo by Nazem Chouhfeh
Aroha Ave, Auckland, 2000
Nigel with Mrs Wareham's Gate
Elam School of Fine Arts, Auckland, 1971
Nigel with The Yellow Christ
Auckland, c. late 1970's
Nigel with Urewera Grid Painting
Aroha Ave, Auckland, c.1980's
Nigel at Karaka Street Studio
c. 1980's
Personages works outside studio
Cosy Nook, Southland
Work outside studio
Cosy Nook, Southland
Work in progress: I Got The Mullet Road Blues
Studio, Cosy Nook, Southland
Studio wall
Cosy Nook, Southland
Cosy Nook, Southland
Nigel and Dudley Benson discuss new works of Dudley's live performances
Cosy Nook, Southland
Sketching Dudley Benson live performance work
Cosy Nook, Southland